Friday, July 15, 2011

World Poverty

As social entrepreneurs, we are concerned with using our business skill sets to address inequities in the world.  One example of a great problem in the world is poverty related hunger.  Consider the following statistics: 850 million children went to bed hungry last night, a child dies every 5 seconds from hunger related complications and the population of the United States throws away more food in a year than the entire continent of Africa consumes.  How can we impact these numbers?


  1. As a social entrepreneur, how do you reconcile the need to work commercially to provide the funding necessary for others to work in development internationally? Do you somehow balance capitalism and humanitarianism or do you simply pile your surplus in a philanthropic fund for others to use?

  2. I strongly support both capitalism and humanitarianism worldwide and I think that they coexist nicely when capitalism is used to fund the needs of the less fortuneate. However, I think the disconnect occurs when we see the end game of capitalism to be the accumulation of wealth for ourselves rather than for the easing of human suffering. What do you think?
