Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Clean Water in Ghana

Every 20 seconds, a child dies from a water related disease.

Here in the developed world, we take clean water for granted. When we turn on the faucet in our kitchen we don't even stop to wonder if that water will make us sick. In fact, for us, clean healthly drinking water from our tap isn't enough, we even add filters to alter the taste. Even more astonishing, we won't even drink our clean tap water but resort to buying bottled water on the often mistaken notion that it is purer than our tap. But one in eight people in the world lack access to healthy water. How can we as wealthy Americans help facilitate clean drinking water to the 884 million people who are dying of something we take for granted?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Healthcare in Haiti

This week, we met Israel in our Haitian clinic.  Israel is 9 years old and came in with septic arthritis of his hip.  This condition requires surgery so we took him to 3 hospitals all of which turned him away.  We had a board certified orthopedic surgeon with us but no anesthesia or a hospital to work in.  Now Israel is destined to have a frozen hip which will make walking and working very painful for the rest of his life.  This operation would have taken 15 minutes and cost less than $100.  How can we impact the Health Care system to avoid another Israel?